Top 10 Summer Fun Safety Tips
There is no denying, the Alabama summer has finally arrived! Although the weather has been awesome the last few weeks, it is still a good idea to practice summer safety. Just because the temperature is only a 80-90 degrees doesn’t mean the sun is any less intense. Check out our Top 10 Summer Fun Safety Tips to keep you and your loved ones safe and healthy for the summer!
1.) Always practice good pool safety:*Make sure all fences surrounding your pool or other safety/alarm devices are in working ...
Are you Ready for a Storm?
One of the biggest lessons of the April 27 tornadoes that raved the state was that you can never be too prepared for an emergency. Many people had to go days without electricity, gas, telephones, and/or water. The Department of Homeland Security recommends that you have an emergency plan in place. You plan should include an emergency kit with essential survivals items. Here are some handy tips that can help your family prepare for emergencies.
When preparing for a possible emergency situation, it’s best to think first ...
Holiday Safety Tips for Home and Away
The Christmas holiday season is one of the most anticipated times of the year. Unfortunately, criminals also look forward to the season as more people are out shopping and leaving their homes unattended during holiday travel. Combine this season of opportunity with yet another holiday in a bad economy, and crime rates for things such as burglary, theft by snatching, etc. are particularly high.
Here are several holiday safety tips to protect you and yours this holiday season, and into the new year.
Safety Tips Around the House
Before ...