Holiday Safety Tips for Home and Away
The Christmas holiday season is one of the most anticipated times of the year. Unfortunately, criminals also look forward to the season as more people are out shopping and leaving their homes unattended during holiday travel. Combine this season of opportunity with yet another holiday in a bad economy, and crime rates for things such as burglary, theft by snatching, etc. are particularly high.
Here are several holiday safety tips to protect you and yours this holiday season, and into the new year.
Safety Tips Around the House
Before ...
Yes, it’s that time again. As New Year’s Eve approaches, it comes with the prospect of making New Year’s resolutions that we hope to finally keep this year. These resolutions usually revolve around health and finances. While I can’t help you much with the first, here are 12 ideas for financial resolutions in 2012:
1) Set goals. As Stephen Covey put it in The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People, begin with the end in mind. After all, it’s hard to know how to get to where you want to be if you ...